Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Thoughtful gifts

              Everyone loves gifts.....they make you feel special, and loved. In today's fast paced world, where we really don't take the time to slow down, relax, mull things over, put our feelings in perspective, the most obvious choice for gifts is something that has a cool price tag, looks classy and appealing. But a real gift is one that has the ability to touch the heart of the person you're gifting it to.
              A gift that brings back nostalgic memories, that captures the essence of that person's inner most desires, that says, you truely care and hence have spent that time to hunt for the perfect gift. A gift that has the "price" tag of affection, care and love.
             This birthday, I received one such lovely, adorable gift. 


Thank you my friend for the lovely gesture.........    

P.S. the books were gifted too.....by a very special person :)