Friday, 10 February 2012


                  A few years back, you wouldn't find me endorsing, much less doing digital art. A very dear art teacher of mine, Mr Venkat, back in 2002-3, had begun to venture into this realm. He passed away in Dec 2003, without ever realising his dream of producing a good body of digital art.

                     A few days back, late in the night, when I was browsing the Android market on my tablet, I happened to come across an application called Sketcher. Just out of curiosity, I downloaded it and tried my hand at some sketches.A couple of the brush types were quite surprisingly good. Here are a few of them. Though not very defined as the application lacks a point pen brush, once you get the hang of it, you can achieve a modicum of form and design.

The Inner Eye
The Fallen Tree

Enigmatic Smile

The Nest
Digital Ganesha!!



This one's by my dear friend Ajit........will have to ask him what it depicts!